Ship new car/item
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Please be so kind to keep these tips in mind:

◘ In addition to our car-hauling porftolio. We specialize in all type of freight and heavy hauling services (Partial Loads, LTL and FTL).
   No matter how big or small we always have the correct type of truck and equipment 

If you are not shipping a vehicle
◘ Year = Please select the present year in the dropdown box.
◘ Vehicle Make = Description of the item. i.e. Crates/Pallets/Containers/Stacks/Bales
◘ Model = components inside of the items i.e. Electronics/Generators/Concrete/Wood/Steel/Hay
Kindly note that our online quote tool provides an initial estimate. We will follow up with you shortly for an accurate price tailored to your specific needs.</span style=”color: #d3d3d3;”>

We both freight and transport using our own asset-based trucks and also use ODT (On-Demand Trucking) to adapt to our client’s business capacity.

“Wondering if you’re ready to secure your spot?” Here are some words from our VP of Operations.

Tracking Number
